Wednesday 28 May 2008

Brian Wilson reveals UK summer dates

Brian Wilson has announced a handful of UK dates for the summer.

The former Beach Boys mastermind will preview his forthcoming album 'That Lucky Old Sun' at the gigs in Ipswich and London.

Wilson will release the album, a concept record about growing up in southern California, on September 1.

Prior to that, he's set to showcase the album and a selection of hits at the following venues:

London English Heritage Picnic Concerts (June 28)
Ipswich Regent Theatre (29)
London Royal Albert Hall (July 1)

To check the availability of Brian Wilson tickets and get all the latest listings, go to NME.COM/GIGS now, or call 0871 230 1094.

Jun 28, 2008 at Kenwood House, London -
Jun 29, 2008 at Regent Theatre, Ipswich -
Jul 1, 2008 at Royal Albert Hall, London -
More Brian Wilson tickets

Thursday 22 May 2008

Oscar winner is cast as a stripper

Oscar winner is cast as a stripper

Academy Award victor Marisa Tomei is to play a peeler in the new celluloid from 'Requiem for a Dream' music director Darren Aronofsky.
Variety reports that 'The Wrestler' tells the story of an over-the-hill star of the squared circle (Mickey Rourke) world Health Organization leaves the business after a warmness attack.
He then moves in with a stripper well and tries to hammer a relationship with her word.
The film is presently shooting in Freshly House of York and New Jersey.

Thursday 8 May 2008

Young Veterans Put Their Energy Into Barack Obama's Campaign

Young Veterans Put Their Energy Into Barack Obama's Campaign

In presidential elections, conventional wisdom suggests that veterans of the military machine, when presented with a choice between a campaigner wHO has served in the armed forces and a candidate world Health Organization has not, loosely support the 1 world Health Organization spent sentence sacrificing life and limb for their country. This was the case for many years in this country, and those wHO were intellection to have avoided military machine service in any way were chastised in the mainstream media (e.g., Government note Clinton).
However, in the 2004 military campaign, when Republican River officeholder George IV W. Bush shell Democrat Senator John the Evangelist Kerry for a second term in office, that mould was broken when a group called Jonathan Swift Sauceboat Veterans for Truth launched a series of ads that called into doubt Kerry's decorated war servicing record in Annam. Many feel Kerry's bankruptcy to counter those attacks effectively cost him the election.
This year's safari for president features deuce Democratic candidates world Health Organization cause no armed services record (Edmund Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama) and a Republican candidate world Health Organization non only if served in Vietnam and has a long fellowship lineage of armed forces serve, but world Health Organization was likewise a captive of state of war, tortured and held captive by the Viet Cong (Privy McCain). The natural assumption is that many current whitney Moore Young Jr. veterans world Health Organization have served in our five-year conflict in Republic of Iraq would gravitate towards McCain.
Only that hasn't inevitably proven to be the case, and we base a grouping of young veterans wHO infer what conventional wisdom suggests and ar actively candidacy against it. This calendar week, in the crucial Democratic primary state of Pennsylvania, [Data link 1583638] where the Apr 22 primary could decide a Democratic candidate, we followed two whitney Young workforce world Health Organization ar Iraki war veterans and are a parting of an organization called Veterans For Obama.
Juan Manuel Arevalo (Manny Arevalo), 24, is the deputy sheriff director of trading operations for Veterans for Obama's statewide Pennsylvania outreach, based in City of Brotherly Love. Phil Lord Nelson, 25, is a representative for the group's outreach in Capital of Pennsylvania, a fresh inscribe to the lawsuit world Health Organization joined in Jan subsequently outlay five geezerhood in the army. Both were members of the 82nd Airborne unit, stationed at Fort Bragg in Frederick North Carolinas, and nowadays find themselves workings the telephone set lines, public speaking at local anesthetic events and merging people at Obama rallies, altogether in the promise of lease people know that they are veterans of the Iraqi state of war and palpate real strongly about the potency presidency of Senator Barack Obama.
It's Obama's situation of "background a deadline to get come out of Republic of Iraq, and for the Iraki government and Iraqi people to take over," that interests Nelson. He served one tour of duty in Republic of Iraq, moved to a hitch in Afghanistan, then support to Irak for a instant duty tour. He suffered from the U.S. military's stop-loss policy, to a fault, for 15 months — delaying his going from his military obligations for i year. "It was hard on me," he confessed, "simply it's genuinely hard on families, too."
Arevalo was drawn in to Obama's camp in much the sami way, eyesight Obama as a candidate he matte could topper end the state of war in Republic of Iraq. Both ar doing what they canful to not only address issues for veterans by their candidate, just too to shew others that in that respect ar veterans wHO do indeed support the candidate world Health Organization himself is non a oldtimer. "This [election season] has shown that veterans' issues can't be pigeonholed into one program," Arevalo told us. "There ar veterans wHO ar teachers, wHO need wellness caution and wHO receive concerns that offer beyond the warfare. And we ar here to show that Obama is the c. H. Best candidate to address completely their concerns."
When MTV News held "Pick out or Lose Presents Clinton & Obama Answer Loretta Young Veterans" last month, it was clear that in that respect are many issues on the minds of our newly created class of Iraki war veterans, and Arevalo and Nelson take put their thoughts into action mechanism.

Sunday 4 May 2008

Gnarls Barkley does 'SNL' warm-up

Gnarls Barkley does 'SNL' warm-up

New House of York -- "It's sort of like our overpaid dress rehearsal,"
Cee-Lo said Thursday night at the suggest Highline Dance palace in
Manhattan, a fizgig planned as a warm for Gnarls Barkley's
performance on "Saturday Night Be."

The hourlong usher, which set up Cee-Lo and Danger Mouse flanked by a
five-piece backup band, was Gnarls Barkley's first gear to lineament
material from its fresh soph record album, "The Odd Duo."

The set members took the stage dressed like vintage James Brown University in
peacock blue tuxedos, while Cee-Lo and Danger Mouse opted for all
patrick Victor Martindale White. Cee-Lo even had on a Brown-style pompadour wig, which he
adjusted throughout the night.

Ab initio, the integrate in the room left the vocals a turn muddy, only the
sound evened come out of the closet by the third vocal, a extend of the Violent Femmes'
"Gone Dada Gone." And in line to past gigs, there was no
string section to come with older material such as "Boogie-woogie Devil"
and "Nutcase," which Cee-Lo said was "the strain that made me rich people and

The stronger soul influences on material from "The Odd Couple"
shone through on "Who's Gonna Save My Someone," which set up Cee-Lo
reaching for the celestial sphere like a preacher. Other highlights included
a quick, punchy rendering of the single "Run" and the throwback pop
of "Blind Virgin Mary."

Baldwin & wife celebrate baby's birth

Baldwin & wife celebrate baby's birth

Actor Daniel James Arthur Baldwin and his married woman Joanne are celebrating the nativity of a baby daughter.
According to People magazine, the baby girlfriend was born at Cedars-Sinai Checkup Centre in Los Angeles and weighed 7lbs 10oz. The couple be after to call the baby Avis Ann Baldwin.
Baldwin told the magazine publisher: "Give thanks Idol she looks wish her mother."
His married woman said: "I'm ecstatically happy. Book of the Prophet Daniel wasn't as nervous as me. He's a little used to this sort of thing. I'm glad he's got just about experience in this surface area."
This is Baldwin's fourth baby, his first base with modeling and chef Joanne Smith-Baldwin, whom he married in July 2007.

Pt. Shivkumar Sharma

Steve Backley out of Dancing on Ice

Steve Backley out of Dancing on Ice

Olympic javelin thrower Steve Backley has go the latest famous person to be voted away 'Dancing on Ice'.
Backley, world Health Organization took piece in the series despite having a prosthetic hip, doomed come out to former 'Coronation Street' asterisk Zaraah Abrahams in last night's skate-off between the bottom 2 contestants.
Backley said later: "I'm disappointed to go and there is no acquiring away from that. I am gutted."
"Having the prosthetic hip is a large deal, my stumbling block is getting over that simply I am delighted to have got this far."

Tate hints that Tennant may quit Dr Who

Tate hints that Tennant may quit Dr Who

Actress Catherine John Orley Allen Tate has hinted that her 'Doctor Who' co-star David Tennant may be plant to relinquish the shew.
The actress made the comments during an interview on Jonathan Ross' wireless programme.
Allen Tate, wHO stars as the doctor's help in series four-spot of the show, said: "I reckon it's possibly David's last series."
She too confirmed that the forthcoming series of 'Doctor Who' would be her last.
The BBC refused to input on the suggestion that Tennant is set to take leave the establish.


Funny Money

Funny Money   
Artist: Funny Money



Stick It!   
 Stick It!

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 12